Bulgaria Insurance

AUTOCASCO Gold Loan with Casco Gold Motor Insurance

Bulgaria Insurance


If you are finding it hard to keep up with the expenses for your car and you have concluded Casco Gold insurance in Bulgaria Insurance, now you may take advantage and apply for AUTOKASKO Gold loan with an attractive interest rate from Investbank - our partner bank.  

Advantages of AUTOCASCO Gold loan for Bulgaria Insurance customers

The loan is provided to Bulgaria Insurance current customers under Casco Gold Motor Insurance by Bulgaria Insurance with a valid insurance policy - on your name, your spouse or a member of your household, concluded up to 3 months before applying for the loan

  • Quick and easy procedure
  • Attractive interest rates for the entire agreed term of the loan
  • Loan amount up to BGN 50,000
  • Long repayment period - up to 10 years

BONUS: Credit card with a pre-approved limit of up to 10% of the loan amount and up to BGN 5,000.

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